The Calendar is one of the core report in Prudent where a yearly calendar is presented to you at the top level.
Month Card
The month cards in the yearly calendar shows these:
Income, Expenses and Profit
The value shown for each of the item here is the total for the specific month and year.
Net Worth
This is a cumulative value of your net worth since the beginning of your journal.
Ca - De
Ca - De is short for Cash minus Debt. It shows you how much cash you have in hand (based on cash in your current and savings account) compared to the debt (liabilities) that you owe. If this is a positive value, it means you have more cash than you have debt. This is obviously good. If cost of debt rise, i.e. when interest rate for a mortgage goes up significantly, you can pay off that debt any time with cash in hand. Ca - De is more interesting than it seems and can tell you a lot more. Think about it!