In-game stats: The ideal Prudent UX
The very end goal for Prudent's UX is to achieve the kind of instantaneous dashboard we get in games.
Instantaneous dashboard in games
In a (computer) game, you get a precise, numerical state of your current player role (be it the player's character itself, or the city/country/kingdom that the player manages). The range of statistics are very comprehensive (i.e. your own XP, health levels, population in your city, the gold you have, iron, grain, exchange rates, etc.) and is of course the most accurate reflection of the state of your game being.
How does this translate?
Prudent should be like this. Whenever you check your Prudent dashboard and analytics, you should be able to see the most accurate reflection of your current financial state. Any expenses you'd just made, interests you had just received minutes ago, salaries that had been banked-in, etc. should be reflected :)
This scenario is more of an ideal currently as you will have to import CSVs/statements from institutions into your ledger whenever you want to get an updated view.
There's a few update extensions which doesn't require you to manually get transaction CSVs/statements available but these are mostly for prices more than transactions, which brings us to the next topic...
Great APIs and webhooks can make this happen!
I am optimistic that Prudent can achieve this speed parity with games in the near future as banks and financial institutions open up their services with APIs and webhooks. I wish the read-only ones for transactions can be opened up earlier than the mutative ones. A gradual opening of banks and financial institutions to API calls from and webhooks to citizen developer applications or even intemediaries will allow individuals to enjoy the ideal UX...